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At Zoup!, we offer hundreds of award-winning soups with 12 always-rotating daily varieties, including soups that are low-fat, vegetarian, dairy-free, spicy and made with gluten-free ingredients – each served with a hunk of freshly baked bread. Our menu also features a distinctive array of made-to-order salads and sandwiches. Customer top picks include Chicken Potpie, Lobster Bisque and Vegetarian Split Pea, but fans can find their own favorites by sampling our soups before they order. In fact, we encourage it!

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Restaurants & Food Service


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Nothing quite soothes the soul like a big, warm bowl of soup! From hurricane victims to medical workers across the country to a local kid having a hard time at school, we believe in bringing comfort, warmth and well-being to those in the community that need it most. Our Rescue Care Package includes a bowl of our delicious soup, a big hunk of bread and a beverage. It is the perfect, no-cost way for you to cheer up someone who is under the weather, recovering, or feeling blue.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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