ZipRecruiter® is a leading online employment marketplace that actively connects people to their next great opportunity. ZipRecruiter’s powerful matching technology improves the job search experience for job seekers and helps businesses of all sizes find and hire the right candidates quickly. ZipRecruiter has been the #1 rated job search app on iOS & Android for the past four years1 and is rated the #1 employment marketplace by G2.2 1 Based on ratings information for the Google Play Store and Apple App Store from the AppFollow platform, during the period of March 2017 to Feb 2021 for the job seeker apps of ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder, Craigslist, Glassdoor, Indeed, LinkedIn, and Monster. Based on G2 satisfaction ratings as set forth in G2, Best Job Boards Software.
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Our approach to ESG includes taking care of our team, the environment, customers, shareholders, vendors, and other stakeholders in the communities we proudly serve. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of our Board of Directors oversees the risks associated with corporate governance and sustainability, including the development and implementation of ESG policies. Currently, we are in the process of reviewing our business activities in how they align with sustainability standards and reporting frameworks. We look forward to publishing future updates as we further integrate sustainability into our operations. At ZipRecruiter, our work has the power to positively impact lives. We create social impact in two ways: First, through our mission, and the products and services we provide to job seekers and employers.
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