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You might say this company is all about zee chicken. Zaxby’s Franchising operates and franchises more than 490 fast-casual Zaxby’s chicken restaurants in about a dozen southern states, mostly in Georgia. Its kitschy, memorabilia-themed restaurants offer creatively named chicken dishes, such as Chicken Fingerz, Zalads, Big Zax Snak Meal, Zappetizers, and Buffalo Fingerz with Zax sauce. The chain also serves chicken with other types of sauces named for their spiciness threshold, from Wimpy to Nuclear to Insane. About 70 locations are company-owned, while the rest are franchised. CEO Zach McLeroy and CFO Tony Townley started the chain in 1990.

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Restaurants & Cafes

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Our mission is to consistently create encore experiences that enrich lives, one person at a time. People are at the heart of what we do. We put our team members and franchisees first because the guest experience will never exceed their experience. Our word is our bond. We depend on each other, so we do what we say we will do and live up to our commitments. Transparency is key in everything we say and do. We have honest, respectful conversations because saying what we mean enables us to get to the heart of an issue faster. Innovate and collaborate. We value courageous thinking and the never-been-done-before to stay ahead of everyone else. We work together to get there first. Our table is open to everyone. We love each other for who we are, knowing that our differences make us so special and our voices so powerful.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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