Yum! Brands

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Yum! Brands, Inc., based in Louisville, Kentucky, has over 45,000 restaurants in more than 135 countries and territories and is one of the Aon Hewitt Top Companies for Leaders in North America. In 2018, Yum! Brands was recognized as part of the inaugural Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index. The company s restaurant brands KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell are global leaders of the chicken, pizza and Mexican-style food categories. More important than our size is our commitment to breakthrough innovation and the success of our employees. We’re proud of the unique culture we’ve built, one where everyone can be their best self, make a difference and have fun! We believe in our people, trust in their positive intentions, encourage ideas from everyone, and have actively developed a workforce that is diverse in style and background Mission: We’re building the world’s most loved, trusted, and fastest-growing restaurant brands in partnership with the best franchise operators in the business.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

Yum! Brands’ Good Growth strategy is grounded in the idea that our business will only endure if our brands are inclusive, sustainable, and reflective of evolving employee, franchisee and other stakeholder needs. As we grow, we’re identifying synergies with our Good priorities of our People, Food and Planet. As 2022 marked our 25th year as a public company, we’re proud to be a resilient, diversified business with distinctive brands that are well positioned for the future. When we harness the collective power of Good and Growth, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish. Yum! Brands is building the world’s most-loved, trusted and fastest-growing restaurant brands for today and tomorrow. We’re doing so by following a mindful recipe: one with Good priorities that influence long-term Growth, and Growth drivers that accelerate the Good we can accomplish. This recipe continues to evolve alongside the changing needs of our employees, franchisees and other stakeholders. We’re committed to transparency and disclosure.

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