The story of Yoshinoya begins in the bustling Nihonbashi Fish Market of Chuoku Tokyo in 1899. Here, hard-working fisherman were often hungry, but too busy to stop for a hot meal. Our founder, Eikichi Matsuda, saw this need and knew he could help. So he opened a whole new type of restaurant: one serving hot, tasty rice bowls that were fast and affordable. He named it Yoshinoya and it became a place fisherman & locals were instantly hooked on the mouth-watering Gyūdon Beef Bowls®. Word traveled quickly, and Yoshinoya developed a loyal following. When the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 destroyed our first restaurant, we opened a new one in Tsukiji to keep fans happy. Today, we have more than 2,000 locations worldwide: Japan, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia and here in the U.S.
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Our corporate standards identify six core values to ensure our actions are true to our business philosophy. Tasty means high quality, affordable signifies relative value and efficiency, and fast refers to promptness and delivery time. We will continue to adhere to these values and enhance these elements even further. The number of customers is a scale for measuring customer satisfaction. We will continue to strive to provide satisfaction to as many customers as possible through efforts to increase the frequency of use and establish new stores and businesses to ensure that our products and services are used by a greater number of customers. We will continue to focus on a distinguished presence with regard to products, services, store development, employees, corporate culture and other matters, and provide a level of satisfaction to our customers that only our group is able to provide. We will cultivate a highly transparent, free, and candid corporate culture through exchanges of true feelings and thoughts based on principles. In addition, we will never permit acts that violate social ethics and compliance, and will continue to maintain integrity.
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