Wings & Rings

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Wings & Rings is a Cincinnati-based sports restaurant franchise. It offers a menu of Buffalo wings, burgers, salads, and sandwiches. Nader Masadeh has served as the Chief Executive Officer since 2014, while Philip Schram serves as Chief Development Officer, and Haytham David as the Chief Executive Officer of International. Masadeh was featured in the 7th-season premiere of Undercover Boss, which aired Sunday, December 20, 2015 on CBS. For a couple of weeks, CEO Masadeh worked undercover alongside employees, doing everything from washing dishes in a Cincinnati location, to serving tables in Chicago and prepping meals in Bardstown, Kentucky.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

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Our values are our starting point for everything we do. They guide how we interact with our guests, our community and each other. We live these values every day in our Sports Bars and in our Support Centers. Take ownership in providing a winning guest experience. Anticipate and embrace change with zeal. Celebrate differences, be fair and act like a team player in all situations. Be authentic while cheering on and adapting to the arrival of the unknown. Create unique, positive guest experiences while fostering strong community connections. Enjoy the moment, create an engaging, entertaining environment.

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