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Wilmar Corporation was founded in 1971. Based in Kent Washington, Wilmar supplies major retailers as well as distributors throughout North America. Wilmar provides quality tools, great service, and innovative packaging and product support. Wilmar has become one of the leading distributors of professional tools in North America. Offering a selection of: Hand tools Sockets, wrenches, screwdrivers Specialty tools Promotional items Grease guns & accessories Hydraulics and many other items Wilmar employs a dedicated team of industry experts, to provide support and assistance to meet the needs of our customers, including a team of customer service professionals who will answer the phone when you call – from 6.00 am to 5.00 pm Pacific time. Wilmar Corporation sources product throughout the world to competitively provide an extensive range of good quality automotive tools. Our large distribution facility in Renton, WA, which is conveniently located within 20 minutes of the closest US port to Asia, affords us the opportunity of responding to customer requests or changes in demand in a timely manner. Our focus on service is reflected in our ability to provide as much as a truck load or as little as one item from our extensive range of over 4500 sku’s.

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Recent global events have had an impact on the production of vegetable oils, but palm oil remains the most widely used due to its unique properties and versatility. As a crucial ingredient in a wide range of products ranging from food and cosmetics to fuel, it supports the livelihoods of millions of people. However, palm oil must be produced sustainably and with care for the natural environment to prevent catastrophic climate change or the collapse of important biodiversity and ecosystems As a leading palm processor and merchandiser, we understand our responsibility to drive positive change in the sector. Over the years, we have made significant progress in improving the sustainability of palm oil and addressing environmental and social issues in our value chain. Our commitment to No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation (NDPE) is the foundation of our sustainable palm oil approach. However, we acknowledge that there is still more work to be done in this area .Responsible sourcing and supply chain transformation has always been a strategic priority for Wilmar. To meet our sustainability commitments, Wilmar recognises the importance of being able to trace supply flows from ports and refineries back to palm oil mills and eventually to plantations. Identifying the origins of our raw materials enables us to evaluate suppliers’ performance against our NDPE Policy, identify and assess high-risk suppliers and engage with them to drive continuous improvement. Palm oil supply chains are highly complex and intricate. This sector in Indonesia, which is the leading producer of palm oil, is highly fragmented and dominated by many smallholders. About 40% of oil palm plantations in Indonesia, amounting to 5.8 million ha of land (an area greater than Switzerland), are managed by about 2.67 million smallholder farmers whose livelihood depends on oil palm cultivation2. The process of mapping out these growers, smallholders and agents greatly adds to the complexity of the operation.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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