White Castle

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White Castle, America’s first fast-food hamburger chain, has been making hot and tasty Sliders since 1921. Based in Columbus, Ohio, the family-owned business owns and operates more than 350 restaurants as well as a retail division providing its famous fare in freezer aisles of retail stores nationwide. As part of its commitment to offering the highest quality products, White Castle owns and operates its own Slider Provider meat plants, bakeries and frozen-Slider retail plants. White Castle has earned numerous accolades over the years including Time magazine’s “Most Influential Burger of All Time” (2014, The Original Slider®) and Thrillist’s “Best Plant-Based Fast-Food Burger” (2019, Impossible™ Slider). In 2021, Fast Company named the fast-food pioneer one of the “10 Most Innovative Dining Companies.” White Castle, which earned the Great Place to Work® Certification™ in 2021 and 2022, is known for the legendary engagement of its team members, more than 1 in 4 of whom have worked for the business for at least 10 years. White Castle is beloved by its passionate fans (“Cravers”), many of whom compete each year for entry into the Cravers Hall of Fame.

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White Castle fed the souls — literally — of the people who sacrificed their own health and safety during the pandemic to ensure the rest of us were taken care of. Over the course of the year, we provided more than $1 million worth of complimentary meals to healthcare workers, delivered more than 15,000 free Sliders to hospital, grocery store and retail food workers, and gave 20% discounts to educators, grocery store employees and other front-line workers. We also organized two fundraisers to support restaurant workers impacted by the pandemic, contributing $35,000 to the National Restaurant Association’s “Restaurant EmployeeReliefFund”and“Changeis on the Menu” campaign. Our actions in 2020 reflected the principles and values my great- grandfather, Billy Ingram, had when he founded White Castle 100 years ago. From the very beginning, he operated the company with a commitment to ethical and transparent business practices as well as a deep respect for his team members, his customers and the communities that supported him. These principles remain at the heart of our company today, even now in the fourth generation of family ownership. Castle Shares, Naturally Focused and Diversity & Inclusion are the three initiatives that form our corporate social responsibility program.

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