WEC Energy Group

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We are one of the nation’s largest electric generation and distribution and natural gas delivery holding companies, with the operational expertise and financial resources to serve the Midwest’s energy needs safely, reliably and responsibly. Our subsidiaries focus on reliable service, customer satisfaction and shareholder value. Together, we provide energy services to more than 4.5 million customers in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota. Our combined assets allow operating efficiencies across 70,100 miles of electric distribution lines, 50,000 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines, and 7,300 megawatts of reliable power plant capacity.

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We’re pleased to report that we’re well on our way to achieving some of the most aggressive targets in our industry for reducing carbon and methane emissions. An important step in our plan is to eliminate coal as an energy source by the end of 2035. We have served the people of the Midwest for more than a century. Today, from our perspective, the future has never been brighter. The company is targeting a 60 percent reduction in carbon emissions from electric generation by the end of 2025 and an 80 percent reduction by the end of 2030, both below 2005 levels. The company is also planning to eliminate coal as an energy source by the end of 2035 and have a carbon-neutral electric generation fleet by 2050. WEC Energy Group also has a goal to achieve net-zero methane emissions across its natural gas distribution operations by the end of 2030. ESG Progress Plan, a $20. 1 billion plan to invest in efficiency, sustainability and growth.

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