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wagamama means naughty child + just like our name, we pride ourselves in being a workplace for those who dare to be different. those who’ve have taken the road less travelled. that zig where others zag. we’re a safe sanctuary, free from judgment, where we lean in + have real conversations that challenge us to learn + grow. bursting into life in 1992, wagamama was, + still is, inspired by fast-paced japanese ramen bars that set out to create nourishing flavours of asia to all.

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kaizen’ meaning ‘continual improvement’ is the japanese philosophy we live by. it inspires us to do better in all that we do. to make small positive choices every day for big change. we’ve been practising kaizen since 1992, when we opened as a single restaurant in london’s bloomsbury, inspired by fast-paced japanese ramen bars 30 years on, we have many things in common with our younger self. like the art of kaizen, the celebration of asian food and the obsession with fresh nourishment. but we have grown, and with that, comes a greater sense of responsibility here, you can find actions we’re taking to tread more lightly on the earth. alongside some of the sustainability goals we’ve already met. in some areas, we’re further along our journey and closer to reaching our goals than in other areas, and by no means are we perfect. but we believe in small choices for big change. because progress takes time and begins with all of us Wagamama is committed to sourcing 100% of our eggs (shell, liquid, and egg products) from cage-free sources throughout our global operations for all owned, managed, and franchised properties by the end of 2025. Wagamama will make our policy available in major languages and will publish annual progress reports towards this commitment.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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