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We believe in the power of connection. Our world-leading, fully integrated agriculture network connects producers and consumers to supply sustainable, traceable and quality-controlled agricultural products. With our talented people, decades of experience and diverse capabilities, we offer innovative solutions to open pathways and create value for customers through our supply chains. As a responsible long-term business, we will continue to invest in and develop our network, allowing us to meet the needs of a growing world. We operate in one of the most important industries in the world, and are fully committed to working with our farmers, end-users and industry partners to ensure that the future of agriculture remains bright. Together, we are stronger and achieve more.

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Agriculture & Forestry


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We care for our colleagues, our customers, our communities and our environment. We operate responsibly, safely and with integrity to create value in a manner that is sustainable, transparent and respectful of the rights of our customers, our people, our communities and the environment. Lead the industry in health and safety, eliminating injuries and fatalities. Positively impact the environment where we operate and achieve sustainability along our supply chains. Support the long-term development of local communities and uphold human rights. Meet the highest standards in providing safe products to customers.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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Excellence In My Industry

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company has met the criteria of our excellence certification in best practices across all pillars of business in your specific industry – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.

Best Practice Certified

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company has met the criteria of our excellence certification in best practices across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.

Best of Best Practices

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company is one of the top 20 companies in your industry that has met the criteria for our excellence certification in best practices across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.

Newsweek Excellence 1000

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company is one of the Top 1000 companies that demonstrate excellence across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.