Veggie Grill

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The simple truth is that everyone knows they probably should be eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. One out of five American adults are actively seeking ways to do just that. We embrace these potential guests not as a diet, but as veggie positive! We are passionate about bringing veggie-centric food to the center of their plates in delicious and craveable ways. We invite them to celebrate veggies for their vibrant colors and flavors, for the vitality and energy they support, and because we all feel good about serving and eating them. We are committed to creating the dishes our mindful guests want to eat now, each season and as they move forward on their path.

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We see every season as an opportunity to create bold and delicious ways to bring people together. At our place, we make veggie-filled dishes that are centered on moments. For people who love feel good food that celebrates the veggie, the fruit, the grain, and the nut.

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