UPMC Shadyside Hospital

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UPMC Shadyside is a nationally ranked, 520-bed non-profit, tertiary, teaching hospital located in the Shadyside neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. UPMC Shadyside is a part of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), and grouped in with the flagship UPMC Presbyterian. The hospital is near UPMC’s flagship campus which houses Presbyterian and Montefiore. As the hospital is a teaching hospital, it is affiliated with University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The hospital has an emergency room to handle emergencies, with a rooftop helipad to transport critical patients to and from the hospital. UPMC Shadyside houses the flagship campus of the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, a nationally ranked cancer hospital. Founded in as the Homeopathic Medical and Surgical Hospital and Dispensary, it changed its name to that of the neighborhood of Shadyside on May 12, 1938. Shadyside agreed to be bought by UPMC on June 5, 1996.

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UPMC Shadyside Hospital, situated in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a healthcare institution with a strong focus on sustainability and community engagement. The hospital has invested in eco-friendly infrastructure and energy-efficient technologies, resulting in reduced energy consumption and carbon emissions. UPMC Shadyside actively participates in community health initiatives, offering free health screenings, educational programs, and partnerships with local organizations to improve access to care for vulnerable populations. Ethical governance is a cornerstone of the hospital’s operations, exemplified through strict compliance with healthcare regulations, patient privacy protection, and transparent reporting of financial and clinical performance, ensuring accountability and trust among patients and stakeholders.

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