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UGI Corporation is an international energy distribution and services company that provides superior service in delivering a range of energy products. By operating as a best-in-class service provider, offering a great place to work, serving our communities and delivering value to investors, we aim to positively impact the lives of our shareholders, employees, customers and communities. UGI Corporation (NYSE: UGI) is a holding company that distributes and markets energy products and services through our subsidiaries and the company’s common stock is a balanced growth and income investment. UGI Corporation has paid common dividends for more than 136 consecutive years.

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ESG/Ethical Impact

UGI is well positioned in renewable energy and continues to focus on reducing our emissions, enabling our customers to reduce their emissions, and investing in alternative energy solutions. UGI remains committed to delivering affordable, efficient, and socially responsible energy products and services to our customers in a safe and reliable manner. We are committed to acting in a sustainable and socially responsible manner to minimize our impact on the environment and to being a good steward to the planet. In this report, UGI provides performance data related to our ESG commitments. Our goal is to use ESG data to supplement our public disclosures in order to meet our constituents’ broader need for information. In advancement of this goal, in 2022, we completed our second Carbon Disclosure Project (“CDP”) questionnaire and continued to demonstrate improvement, which was reflected in our score of “B-. ” We continue to refine our disclosures, and we have organized this report to align with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”). We also plan to conduct our third materiality assessment in UGI’s 2024 Fiscal Year (October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024) (“Fiscal 2024”) to ensure we are focusing our attention on the most relevant issues to both our business and stakeholders.

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