UFP Industries

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We are a proud American corporation with approximately 170 global operations, 13,000 employees and nearly $4.5 billion in sales. And with over 60 years of success under our belt, we are considered a leader in the markets we serve. We are a key supplier to three important markets: retail building materials, industrial, and construction – serving North America, Australia, Europe and Asia, and business partners around the globe. We’re powered by hard-working people who believe in a strong work ethic, the integrity with which we go about our business, the opportunities we offer to those who are successful, and our work hard/play hard culture. We’re known for top-quality products and service, for being a company that’s good for its word, and for being an employer that rewards people who work hard and exhibit an entrepreneurial spirit whether in an office or a plant. We are the companies of Universal Forest Products: proud of our history, our work, our people and our success.

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Machinery Manufacturing

ESG/Ethical Impact

As the nation’s leading manufacturer and distributor of wood products, UFP Industries has a vested interest in nurturing a healthy environment in which trees can grow and thrive. Our future – as people and as a company – depends on it. Throughout our history, we’ve worked to protect and safeguard our natural resources as best as we can. We make and sell many types of materials, but sawdust is in our blood, and we’re proud of that – because wood is renewable, sustainable, recyclable, durable and biodegradable. It also typically requires less energy to work with than most other raw materials. We source lumber from around the world and review vendors’ operations through regular dialogue and on-site visits. Our mill vendors have a practice of planting more trees each year than they harvest, which is important to us and drives our sourcing decisions.

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