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Same great service, backed by national resources. Understanding Our Growth In late 2020, the geotechnical landscape was forever changed by the unprecedented union of multiple like-minded, well-established For nearly six decades, UES has provided essential engineering services throughout the United States, including Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Materials Testing & Inspection, Building Code Compliance, Environmental, and Building Envelope. UES’s mission is to make significant contributions to our industry and create a lasting, positive impact in the communities where we live and work by providing the highest-quality geotechnical engineering services through superior customer service. With over 3,400 professionals across 77 national branches, UES consults on projects of all sizes to help deliver needed infrastructure and build safe and successful communities.

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Construction & Engineering Services



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Company values are crucial for an organization as they serve as a guiding force that shapes its culture, decision-making processes, and overall identity. These values act as a “North Star”, providing a clear direction for employees and leaders to follow. When everyone in the organization is aligned with the same set of values, it fosters a sense of unity, purpose, and accountability. At UES, we recently redefined our company values to best portray who we are as a company, and what we believe. These company values are best represented by the acronym STRIVE. STRIVE stands for Safety, Teamwork, Responsiveness, Integrity, Value, and Excellence. Safety for ourselves and others is a core value. We are personally accountable to show up fit for duty, and all team members have the right and obligation to stop unsafe work. We believe that all accidents are preventable, and incident reporting is key for a learning culture.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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Newsweek Excellence 1000

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