TTM Technologies

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TTM Technologies is an advanced Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacturer and a leading supplier in technology solutions. TTM Technologies, Inc. (TTM) is a leading global manufacturer of technology solutions including engineered systems, radio frequency (RF) components and RF microwave/microelectronic assemblies, and quick-turn and technologically advanced printed circuit board (PCBs). We serve a diverse customer base that includes both original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and electronic manufacturing services (EMS) providers throughout various markets worldwide. TTM stands for time-to-market, representing how TTM’s time-critical, one-stop manufacturing services enable customers to shorten the time required to develop new products and bring them to market.

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Electronics Manufacturing

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Leading the Industry in Sustainable Best Practices and Continuous Improvement. As a global organization, TTM recognizes our opportunity to positively impact the world around us by managing our operations in a sustainable manner. We believe that sustainable practices are essential to the long-term success of our business and that we have a responsibility to consider how our business interacts with society, impacts the environment, and can affect the global economy in line with our corporate values of teamwork, integrity, clear communication, and performance excellence. The TTM Health and Safety Policy outlines the safety best practices that have been established to create and maintain a safe workplace for employees, contractors, and visitors within TTM’s operations. TTM’s Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan was rapidly deployed across the entire organization in response to the evolving COVID-19 crisis. Our plan included preventative and corrective controls as well as the purchase of our own machines to provide free facemasks for every TTM employee.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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