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Tock is a comprehensive platform built to fundamentally change the way restaurants, bars, and wineries think about and run their business. This includes a robust reservation, takeout/delivery, guest, and table management system for businesses of all sizes across the globe. Tock was founded in 2014 but the idea originated years before out of a simple frustration. Nick Kokonas and Chef Grant Achatz opened Alinea to international fanfare in 2005 – now a perennial Michelin three star and widely considered one of the best restaurants in the world. For years they were spending $140,000 a year on staff dedicated to managing reservations and losing an average of $260,000 a year on cancellations. Convinced there had to be a better way, Nick started work on a crude ticketing system. The homemade platform was a success. Soon after Nick founded Tock with Brian Fitzpatrick, founder of Google’s Chicago engineering office, to turn this simple idea into a robust product complete with all the tools a restaurant needs to succeed.

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From poolside cabanas to library bars, generate revenue from every corner of your hotel with Tock’s reservation, event, and guest management platform.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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