Title Nine creates and curates the world’s best outdoor and athletic gear for women. We are based in the San Francisco Bay Area with retail stores in California, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Texas, Washington, Colorado, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota. We empower women to risk, lead, and own in all areas of their life—on the trail and off. Mission: Moving women’s movement forward by outfitting and inspiring women to own, risk, and lead.
Title Nine
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We believe a fit woman is fit for everything. Fit to run, fit to lead, fit to win. But we know there’s a reason why they say that talk is cheap, so we’re putting our money where our mouths are. In the end, we’ve found that the women we meet and the lives we affect do so much more to inspire us than we could possibly do for them. But we’ll keep trying. Our Movers & Makers program was born out of a desire to support other women-owned businesses and provide the best possible products. We’re inspired by and pumped to work with such boss women: women who are not only breaking the glass ceiling… but bringing down the house. In an effort to continue to grow our community of women leaders and entrepreneurs, we launched T9 Pitchfest: a 2-day woman-powered event (and our favorite time of year here at T9HQ) where badass women entrepreneurs gather to network, learn, and ultimately, pitch their brand and their gear.
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