Telco Systems

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You can call on Telco Systems. The company’s line of EdgeLink integrated voice, data, and video networking products includes devices for network access and broadband transmission. Telco Systems’ transport terminals, multiplexers, and other network access devices incorporate Ethernet, fiber-optic, and frame relay technologies to enable service providers to move from traditional circuit switched systems to newer digital packet and cellular networks. A subsidiary of Israel-based networking equipment maker BATM Advanced Communications, Telco Systems also distributes BATM products in North America.

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The organization engages in community outreach and support initiatives in the areas where it operates. This includes partnerships with local educational institutions, technology education programs, and contributions to community development projects. Telco Systems’ commitment to employee development, training, and well-being can have a significant social impact. By offering professional growth opportunities, promoting work-life balance, and fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, the company contributes to the overall welfare and job satisfaction of its employees, aligning with broader social responsibility goals. The company places a strong emphasis on ethical business practices within the networking industry.

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