Susquehanna International Group (SIG)

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SIG is a global quantitative trading firm founded on a platform of intellectual curiosity. We bring together the brightest minds, cutting-edge technology, and expansive sets of data to solve incredibly challenging problems. We commit our own capital to trade financial products around the clock and around the globe, and we innovate by building virtually all of our own trading technology from scratch. Our traders, quantitative researchers, and technologists work side-by-side to develop and implement our trading strategies, making us leaders in high performance, low latency trading. We know that it’s only by tapping into our diverse perspectives that we can truly achieve our full potential. Our collective insight allows us to approach problems, both simple and extremely complex, from a wide range of thinking. This ability to think together, but not always alike, has propelled our success.

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Financial Services


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ESG/Ethical Impact

SIS considers sustainability risks, also known as ESG risks, alongside all other risks relevant to the portfolio and takes a holistic view on the composition of the portfolio or the holding of specific investments from a risk perspective. In line with existing risk management processes, where SIS is not comfortable with the overall level of risk posed by an investment, SIS will take steps to mitigate and manage that risk which may include divestment from a particular investment.

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