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Physician burnout is an epidemic. Up to 70% of physicians say they experience some level of burnout, and the primary reason is due to the massive amounts of administrative work placed on them. Our goal is to lighten the load of these administrative tasks so that doctors can focus more on interacting with their patients. Our team is comprised of clinicians and technologists building an award-winning solution based on the real-world needs of doctors. The Suki team has extensive experience designing and developing cutting-edge technology, consumer, healthcare, and enterprise products for companies like Apple, Google, and IBM Watson. Our flagship product is the Suki Assistant, an AI-powered, voice-enabled digital assistant that helps physicians complete documentation and other administrative tasks 76% faster on average. Suki also offers its proprietary voice platform, Suki Speech Service, to partners who want to create a best-in-class voice experience for their solutions. Suki Speech Service uses the latest in natural language processing and machine learning to provide industry-leading accuracy and natural and fast voice experience. We are proud doctors give us a Net Promoter Score of 51 and honored to have received awards such as Google’s Partner of the Year for AI & ML, Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies, and Fierce Healthcare’s Fiercest Cost Saving Solution.

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AI and machine learning


Enterprise Software & Network Solutions

ESG/Ethical Impact

As a company, it is important to us to make our business practices sustainable and to take responsibility towards the environment and society. Sustainability in this context encompasses both ecological and social aspects. By ecological sustainability, we mean the responsibility to protect our environment and implement long-term business practices aimed at conserving resources and minimizing emissions. We have set ourselves the goal of reducing our CO2 emissions, improving our energy efficiency and using environmentally friendly materials. Social sustainability, on the other hand, concerns the responsibility to raise awareness and support our employees, customers, suppliers and business partners with whom we do business. We attach great importance to creating a working environment characterized by equality, diversity, health and safety. We firmly believe that ecological and social sustainability are inseparable and can only ensure a sustainable future together. Through our commitment to both aspects, we help to protect our environment and society in the long term and ensure our success as a company in the long term.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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