Sony Electronics

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Sony Electronics is a leading provider of audio/video electronics and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Operations include research and development, engineering, sales, marketing, distribution, and customer service.

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Consumer Product Manufacturing

ESG/Ethical Impact

The Sony Group Code of Conduct (the “Code”) sets forth the basic standards of ethical and responsible business conduct that must be followed by all Sony directors, officers, and employees (“Sony Group personnel”) in their daily work. The Code requires that we ask if our business conduct contributes to a better future, not only for Sony, but also for society as a whole. The Code provides a set of guiding principles to conduct our business activities on a principled path. Staying true to the Code helps ensure Sony’s long-term success, which in turn is based on the trust of stakeholders. Sony’s Purpose, which is to fill the world with emotion through the power of creativity and technology, challenges Sony Group personnel to create new value, as well as to contribute to stakeholders from a long-term perspective. In pursuing this Purpose, in accordance with our Values, it is crucial that we follow the Code. Sony manages diverse businesses with people at the core, and aims for sustainable value creation based on such diversity and mid- to long-term growth in the Sony Group’s corporate value under its Purpose to “fill the world with emotion, through the power of creativity and technology,” and its Corporate Direction of “getting closer to people.”

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