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Sojitz Corporation is trading in all kinds of places. The company’s 500-plus subsidiaries trade in a wide array of businesses, ranging from steel and automobile parts to apparel, making it one of the largest trading houses in Japan. Sojitz’s other major businesses include aerospace, foods, oil and gas, chemicals and plastics, retail property development, and construction materials. Its North American unit, Sojitz Corporation of America, is a major contributor to its overseas trading operations. In addition, it has operations in Africa, China, Europe, the Middle East, Oceania, and Russia. Sojitz was formed by the 2003 merger of two Japanese trading powerhouses, Nissho Iwai and Nichimen Corporation.

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Sojitz recognizes that sustainability is one of our top management priorities, and we are actively undertaking initiatives aimed at conserving the environment in all aspects of our business activities. In our EMS, management first sets a company-wide policy, and each department sets targets in line with the policy and its associated risks and opportunities after examining the external trends, internal issues, and risks and opportunities for the company that contributed to the determination of the policy. Management then monitors these targets, and each department implements a PDCA cycle for continuous improvement after undergoing internal environmental audits and audits by external organizations.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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