Shari’s Restaurants

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In the beginning, 1978, there was one Shari’s restaurant in Hermiston, Oregon. Word spread fast about Shari’s 24-hour family dining concept. Northwest comfort food, well-prepared at a fair price…it’s a recipe that motivated the hungry hoards. Soon, there were lines out the door. As a result, Shari’s Cafes popped up in Sherwood, OR, and then throughout the Northwest. Today, with over 100 locations in six northwestern states, Shari’s Restaurants is the largest family-style chain in the region, with over 4,000 happy employees, and a lot more satisfied customers.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

We are committed to transitioning to 100 percent cage-free eggs by December 31, 2025. Shari’s, like our guests, is concerned with sustainability, quality, food safety, community involvement and animal welfare. We are working with our egg suppliers to ensure a smooth transition to a cage-free egg supply chain. We recycle trans-fat free cooking oil, and convert it into biodiesel fuel. Shari’s recycles many products, including clamshell recycling. Lights in all cafes have been converted to energy efficient bulbs. Replaced wasteful neon exterior lights with efficient LED ones. Shari’s initiated regular Energy Audits. Our ability to source many ingredients locally also saves energy. All equipment, from broilers to HVAC to stoves and ovens, is now purchased with an eye towards saving gas, electricity and waste.

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