Seafarers International Union

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The Seafarers International Union, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters, AFL-CIO, represents professional United States merchant mariners sailing aboard U.S.-flag vessels in the deep sea, Great Lakes and inland trades. SIU members sail in the three shipboard departments: deck, engine and steward. They work aboard a wide variety of vessels, including commercial containerships and tankers, military support ships, tugboats and barges, passenger ships, gaming vessels and many more. Chartered in 1938, the SIU prides itself on representing the best-trained, most efficient crews in the world. A key to meeting that standard is the Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education, located in Piney Point, Md. The center is a vocational training facility operated by an SIU-affiliated entity.

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New and Improved In the very near future, Seafarers LOG readers will notice some changes to our official publication’s look. We are taking advantage of advancements in the printing industry to help improve our product while not appreciably adding to our costs. The SIU engages in discussions related to climate change in the context of seafaring activities, potentially advocating for greener and more fuel-efficient shipping practices. The SIU plays a role in promoting sustainable shipping practices, such as reducing emissions, minimizing waste, and adopting eco-friendly technologies within the maritime industry. Although primarily focused on labor rights, the SIU’s members also advocate for marine conservation, helping to raise awareness of the importance of protecting oceans and marine ecosystems.

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