Scripps Research Institute

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Scripps Research is ranked the most influential institution in the world for its impact on innovation. We expand basic knowledge in the biosciences, and use these fundamental advancements to develop profound innovations that improve wellbeing. Our educational and training programs mold talented and committed students and postdocs into leading edge scientists. Scientists in the institute’s five academic research departments work hand-in-hand with researchers of the Scripps Research Translational Institute and Calibr to merge foundational studies in biology, chemistry and computer science with translational science to produce pioneering drugs and advances in digital and precision medicine. Together, we cultivate new scientific leaders and expand the frontiers of knowledge to deliver medical breakthroughs to better human health around the globe. If you have a passion for making a difference, this could be your opportunity to join our transformative team.

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The institute has implemented stringent waste management strategies, emphasizing waste minimization, recycling, and proper disposal of hazardous materials, thus reducing waste generation and ensuring responsible waste management practices. Scripps Research is committed to water conservation, utilizing water-efficient fixtures and sustainable landscaping practices, thereby reducing water consumption and promoting responsible water usage. Sustainability is a fundamental principle in its construction projects, with a focus on achieving LEED certification, employing green building materials, and incorporating energy-efficient design elements to minimize the environmental impact of its facilities. The institute encourages sustainable transportation methods, including carpooling, biking, and public transit, while maintaining a green vehicle fleet to reduce transportation-related emissions.

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