Sabre Industries

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Sabre Industries’ culture of innovation is the driving force behind our world-class utility and telecom solutions. We are a fully-integrated provider of highly-engineered, mission-critical structures and components to the utility and telecom industries with an acute focus on efficiency, new technologies and sustainability. But, it’s how we do it that sets us apart. Our work powers the communities we live in and provides crucial electrical and communication infrastructure. To that end, the manufacturing processes we employ at our state-of-the-art facilities allow us to execute world-class solutions for our customers. We deliver these solutions through sustainable methods with recyclable American-made products. This positively impacts our customers, our teammates and communities we serve.

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When you need a structure built, we keep creative engineering, collaboration, longevity and sustainability top-of-mind. And we are uniquely positioned to do this because of our purpose-built facilities, which are the largest, most advanced and greenest in the industry. We are also able to provide a full suite of turn key service solutions for our telecom partners. We love what we do and take pride in the fact that we deliver the essential infrastructure that enables our communities to flourish; now and in the future.

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