Russell Reynolds Associates

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Russell Reynolds Associates is a global leadership advisory and search firm. Our 470+ consultants in 46 offices work with public, private and nonprofit organizations across all industries and regions. We help our clients build teams of transformational leaders who can meet today’s challenges and anticipate the digital, economic and political trends that are reshaping the global business environment. From helping boards with their structure, culture and effectiveness to identifying, assessing and defining the best leadership for organizations, our teams bring their decades of expertise to help clients address their most complex leadership issues.

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Russell Reynolds Associates hosted a virtual event joined by a group of FSTE100 Chairs to welcome Conor Kehoe, Chair of the International Integrated Reporting Council. Friedman is dead: Shareholder return has been joined by people, planet, and purpose in the list of corporate responsibilities. There is pressure on corporates to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability from boards, from investors, employees, consumers, and regulators (including central banks). In the EU, the European Central Bank is being coopted by politicians as the instrument by which pressure should be brought to b ar. The EU is attempting to codify this: the European Commission’s EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) is now due to announce metrics for enhanced reporting on these issues at the end of February as part of the EU’s review of its Non-Financial Reporting Directive The metrics will include civil society-derived reporting, which focuses on the negative externalities of business activity (e.g. the GRI approach), and investor material, focused on the risks to business value (e.g. the SASB approach). The IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) has also launched a consultation on sustainability reporting, which proposes a newly formed Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Stock exchange commissions may also play their part under the auspices of IOSCO, they are focused, of course, on the investor perspective. There was concern that politicians were expecting banks to bring change ‘by the back door’. Repricing credit for the big emitters is one thing, but punishing SMEs for their shortcomings, without Government support, is another. There is a fear that politicians cynically hope no one holds them responsible for a changing risk-rating of assets the mechanics of which are abstruse even for bankers.

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