RMG Staffing

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RMG Staffing is a talent acquisition and recruiting agency located in Miami, Florida since 2007. RMG specialize in find premier quality talent for Hospitality industry, Light Industrial and Business Services. RMG offers temporary programs, temp-to-hire programs, direct hire programs and contracts programs. RMG focus on find the best opportunities that the job market has to offer and connect them with the talent that will help their organizations strive and growth. If you are a client, we put the best effort possible to get you the right talent for your specific needs. If you are a candidate, we have the best opportunities that match with your expertise.

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At RMG Staffing, we understand the challenges businesses face when it comes to finding the right talent. Similarly, we recognize the aspirations and career goals of job seekers. By partnering with us, you gain access to our extensive network, vast industry knowledge, and personalized approach to recruitment. We take pride in building lasting relationships and exceeding expectations, ensuring that both employers and job seekers find the perfect match. Whether you are a business seeking exceptional talent or an individual looking for rewarding employment opportunities, RMG Staffing is your trusted partner in the Miami staffing market.

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