Realty One Group

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Realty ONE Group is the answer to an industry that is becoming stale, ordinary, and unimaginative. As a dynamic, full-service lifestyle Real Estate brand and franchise model, Realty ONE Group offers much more than the traditional prototype; ONE that allows us to break boundaries and paradigms that make us UNtraditional and UNordinary—we are the UNbrokerage! Since May of 2005, Realty ONE Group has been a 100% family-owned company whose number ONE goal is to build a brand that invests in the success of our real estate professionals. Our aim is true to this day as we have successfully created a company that focuses on fostering a unique “coolture” where everyONE has a voice. We are a family of professionals, entrepreneurs and dreamers who have come together to disrupt and take charge of an industry we are passionate about. We are redefining the way brokerages should approach change!

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Realty ONE Group actively promotes environmental responsibility within the real estate industry. The company encourages green building practices and energy-efficient housing solutions, assisting clients in making informed choices that reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact. Realty ONE Group has a significant positive influence on the communities it serves. The company plays a pivotal role in helping individuals and families find homes and communities that align with their needs and values, thereby contributing to overall well-being and community development. Realty ONE Group upholds strong corporate governance practices, emphasizing transparency, ethics, and accountability in its operations.

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