Raising Cane’s

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From one restaurant – to one of the hottest success stories in the restaurant business – Raising Cane’s continues to experience amazing growth! Our success has been built upon a foundation of great people and we have a phenomenal opportunity for more great people to join in our amazing journey. Founded by Todd Graves in 1996, RAISING CANE’S CHICKEN FINGERS has more than 530 restaurants in 28 states, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates with multiple new restaurants under construction. The company has ONE LOVE®—quality chicken finger meals—and is continually recognized for its unique business model and customer satisfaction. Raising Cane’s vision is to grow Restaurants, serving our Customers, all over the world and be the brand for quality chicken finger meals, a great Crew, cool Culture and active Community involvement. Mission: To grow Restaurants all over the world and be known as the brand for quality chicken finger meals, a great crew, cool culture and active community involvement.

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Every day, people spend family dinners, quick lunches, post-game celebrations, and other memorable moments with us. Because this community has helped us grow and supported our success, we’re able to give support back and, hopefully, lend a hand towards someone else’s success. WE HAVE CONTINUED THIS COMMITMENT AS WE HAVE CONTINUED TO GROW AND WE WORK TO ENSURE EACH RAISING CANE’S® GIVES BACK TO THE COMMUNITIES THEY ARE LOCATED IN. We recognize our responsibility in supporting the community and enjoy improving the lives and communities of the people whom make the company the success that it is. Every crew member at Raising Cane’s® helps give back to the community when they work hard to make Raising Cane’s® successful. That hard work generates income and resources that we use to give back to our communities. Raising Cane’s® does not want to be just another restaurant chain in the community. We want to become an integral part in that community. Our vision is to have locations all over the world and be known as the brand for quality chicken finger meals, a great crew, cool culture, and active community involvement.

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