QuikTek Info Services

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Founded in 2009, QuikTek Info Services is a privately held company based in New Delhi, India. An IT and Data Management Services Company, QuikTek specializes in Catalog Processing, Product Data Optimization, eCommerce Platform and Multi-Channel Feed Management

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ESG/Ethical Impact

QuikTek Info Services recognizes the importance of reducing its environmental footprint. The company has transitioned to a paperless office, reducing paper consumption by 50%, and has adopted a stringent recycling program that has resulted in a 30% decrease in waste sent to landfills. QuikTek Info Services maintains a strong commitment to ethical governance. The company conducts regular third-party audits and has implemented a transparent corporate governance framework that includes independent oversight by an external board. To further reduce its environmental impact, QuikTek Info Services has invested in energy-efficient technologies, resulting in a 20% reduction in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions over the past year. QuikTek Info Services actively engages with local communities. Employees have volunteered over 2,000 hours in community service, making a tangible difference in areas related to education, healthcare, and environmental conservation. QuikTek Info Services is committed to renewable energy. The company sources 40% of its electricity from renewable sources, including solar and wind power, contributing to a reduction in carbon emissions.

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