Powell’s Books

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Powell’s may not be the big dog when it comes to books, but its dog-eared volumes keep it near the front of the pack. The book retailer maintains more than a handful of stores in the Portland, Oregon, area including its flagship City of Books store, which covers a city block and contains more than 1 million volumes. It sells new, used, out-of-print, and rare books; it even sells books that are returned to online bookseller Amazon.com. The company operates specialty stores for cookbooks and gardening, technical books, and travel books; it also features author readings and book discussion groups and sells books online. President Michael Powell, whose father, Walter, opened City of Books in 1971, owns the firm.

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We are grounded by our company’s core values, which have guided us through the ups and downs of the bookselling industry. Each and every employee’s love of books drives us forward. We look forward to a future filled with many new opportunities, new innovations, and, of course, new books! Our mission is to be the world’s best destination for readers, a place that fosters a culture of reading and connects people with the books they’ll love. We love everything about books. As entertainment, as tools of discovery, and as timeless works of art, we believe books have the unique ability to transport us and transform our world view. We’re conversation starters. We’re an eclectic team of readers with broad interests and strong feelings about the books on our shelves. And we’re committed to sharing our knowledge and enthusiasm with our customers every day. We’re nothing without our customers.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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