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Potelco was founded in 1963 as a private business in Sumner, Washington. We currently employ over 1400 people across 16 regional offices and we provide comprehensive electric utility construction services. Our fleet operations are located in Puyallup, Washington and we have over 3,500 pieces of equipment. At Potelco, quality assurance is a critical part of the way we do business and is embedded in our company culture. We bring this value to life in our quality control program. Our program provides an overview of our approach, philosophy, prescriptive and specific procedures, as well as our documentation. We identify specific personnel, instructions, records and forms to be used to insure quality at all levels during any project. Each Potelco employee is expected to participate in our goal of continuous quality improvement. Individual and team performance is then measured to determine the effectiveness of our program and the contributions of our employees. Our record in quality assurance is among the best in the industry.

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As a company that has roots as a family run business we make every attempt to do the right thing when it comes to our people and the community around us. We have various company wide initiatives that impact the community and the environment positively. Over the last several years we have worked to convert our fleet of vehicles from diesel fuel to cleaner liquid natural gas. We have bucket trucks, dump trucks, line trucks and one ton trucks that run exclusively on liquid natural gas. We currently have over 150 LNG powered vehicles in our fleet at multiple locations throughout Western Washington. We will continue to convert our existing diesel powered vehicles over the next few years, continuing to go green with LNG. Potelco is dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint and we have added electric vehicles to our fleet. We have charging stations at our facilities allowing us and our clients to travel without the use of fossil fuels. We have bases located along the Interstate 5 corridor and we can easily travel between them using electric vehicles. We also have some hybrid electric vehicles as well as 100% electric powered vehicles.

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