Pinnacle West

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Pinnacle West Capital is at the peak of the energy pyramid in Arizona. It is the holding company for the state’s largest electric utility, Arizona Public Service (APS), which transmits and distributes electricity to 1.1 million residential, commercial, and industrial customers throughout most of the state. The utility also has more than 6,290 MW of generating capacity.

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Our vision for creating a sustainable energy future for Arizona means that we work to advance a clean and healthy environment, a vibrant economy and strong communities, for today and for future generations. Sponsored the Electric Power Research Institute’s Low-Carbon Resource Initiative • Teamed with Advanced Energy Economy to support transportation electrification in Arizona • Partnered with Idaho National Laboratory to assess the viability of hydrogen production at Palo Verde Generating Station. Maintained safe clearances along 11,000+ miles of distribution lines and 6,000+ miles of transmission lines to reduce wildfire risks • Implemented a proactive program to create defensible space around utility poles

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