From right-of-way to surveying, lease acquisitions to title services, Percheron delivers consistent, reliable and fully integrated land services on projects of any size throughout the United States. Committed to the use of cutting-edge technology, exceptional client service and efficient project management, Percheron brings together the right people, process and technology so you get consistent results, every time. Percheron’s team of over 700 professionals can manage and execute projects of any size, coast-to-coast, with 39 offices in 17 states.
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At Percheron, LLC, we respect and value our role in delivering reliable and sustainable energy to people worldwide. We invest in the local communities where we work with honesty and integrity and strive to be a positive influence. We actively seek ways to reduce energy consumption, emissions, and environmental impact. We can select the best candidate for the job through fair and honest hiring practices and provide a safe and positive work environment. With forward-thinking use of technology and project management, we can minimize the environmental impact of our tasks. We manage our infrastructure projects to ensure minimum damage to the property and the environment and comply with all regulatory statutes. With an understanding of both industry operators’ needs and the concerns of Private landowners, Percheron serves as a bridge to successful negotiations to ensure project success.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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