Pepco Holdings

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Pepco Holdings has more power than any politician in the populace of the US capital. The holding company distributes electricity and natural gas through its Potomac Electric Power (Pepco), Delmarva Power & Light, and Atlantic City Electric utilities to about 1.9 million customers in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Washington, DC. None of the company’s three utilities have power generation plants. Nonregulated operations include energy efficiency consultation and renewable energy services for institutional and government clients, through the company’s Pepco Energy Services unit.

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Logistics, Supply Chain & Storage, Transportation

ESG/Ethical Impact

The impact of Pepco Holdings and our utilities—Atlantic City Electric, Delmarva Power and Pepco—does not start and stop at the meter to a home or business. How the electricity and natural gas we deliver is produced, the way in which it’s transmitted and how it’s ultimately consumed has an impact. It impacts our environment, our employees, our customers, our communities and the planet. That is why we not only think about what we do, but how we do it. That is our respon- sibility. That is our opportunity. We are foundational in our communities, from who we work with to help make our system smarter, stronger and cleaner, to the opportunities we provide to our employees to grow their careers, to the support we give to our community partners to advance economic growth, equity, inclusion and innovation. As we look to the future, we’re going to keep pushing to do big things. Fight climate change. Reduce local air pollution. Preserve and restore our waterways and habitats. Modernize our grid to make it smarter, stronger and cleaner and be the platform for the future. Find new and better ways to serve our customers. Make our communities more equitable and local economies stronger. And, provide our employees with an inclusive work environment where they can grow as individu- als and grow together, as one.

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