Pelicana Chicken

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Pelicana Chicken is a Korean fried chicken chain. Its headquarters are in Gyeryong, South Chungcheong Province, South Korea. As of 2014, Yang Hee-Kweon is the CEO. As of 2013, it had over 2,000 locations in South Korea and also has locations outside of South Korea. Pelicana Chicken Malaysia held its “soft opening” on January 4, 2013, and the company planned to hold the grand opening of the first full store in July 2013. The chain expanded to the United States in 2014, and has established locations in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington. Pelicana has also opened in mainland China. In 2022 it opened its first location in Canada, in Toronto.

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Pelicana’s sales continued to grow last year, along with a series of active sales activities in overseas markets including China with 1. 3 billion potential customers, the United States where the franchise business model began, and Malaysia serving as the hub of Southeast Asia. With this, Pelicana gained another opportunity to leap into the future with much gusto. We were able to achieve such good results thanks to our customers, who continued to visit Pelicana locations around the world. Of course, we cannot fail to recognize contributions made by the owner-operators of our franchise branches who actively marketed and sold the Pelicana brand and products. We will also step up our game in overseas business, to put Pelicana at the center of the Korean Wave sweeping the world. Pelicana will stay true to its principles while retaining insights looking into the future and nurturing the right talents, so that our brand can be seen in every corner of the world.

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