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For 50 years our goal has been to offer the best coffees & teas in the world, without compromise. We’ve learned that the secret to great coffee is the people who make it, and we apply the same care in selecting and preparing our teams as we do when crafting the perfect cup. Collectively, we foster a culture based on authenticity that inspires people to unleash their unique, personal passions and expertise toward achieving our vision and mission. It takes talent and dedication from hundreds of Peetniks to make a single cup of Peet’s coffee. Our values guide us on this journey. PURPOSE: The pursuit of better coffee.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

The coffee you buy can impact the welfare of people and planet. At Peet’s, we are committed to improving conditions on coffee farms. 100% of our coffee purchases are Responsibly Sourced per Enveritas standards. This means first verifying the conditions, and second driving positive impact in the communities where our coffees are grown. Sourcing to create positive impact for coffee producers has always been a part of our ethos. Now, it is third-party verified by Enveritas. And now it reaches everywhere. Verified responsible sourcing builds on the strengths of certification—setting standards for coffee farms—but extends to our entire farm footprint. More importantly, it extends to everyone —including the small-scale producers who produce more than half the world’s coffee. Impactful solutions start with state-of-the-art measurement.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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