PDG Consulting

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Founded in 2010, PDG Consulting (aka. PDGC) is an LA-based team of innovators & technologists delivering large-scale software application development services, end-to-end big data solutions, and SAAS tools for Fortune 500 and mid-size clients in the advertising, media & entertainment, music, television broadcasting, satellite television, manufacturing, consumer product, over-the-top-streaming, and other industries. We specialize in enterprise software development, business intelligence, and digital transformation—with expertise in translating complex business requirements into application design. We start small on project — and make every effort to stay nimble. When managed well and properly staffed, clients are amazed by how much can be delivered in a short time period by a tight, experienced team. With small teams, costs are minimized, communication is maximized, and software is built timely and accurately.

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Information Technology


Computer Hardware Development

ESG/Ethical Impact

Principal Development Group Consulting (PDG), a consulting firm specializing in real estate development and project management, holds a notable impact on both Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations and its financial performance. ESG-wise, PDG’s consulting services contribute to environmental sustainability by offering expertise in sustainable building practices and potentially reducing the environmental footprint of construction projects. Its services empower clients to make more informed decisions about resource-efficient design and construction methods, aligning with responsible development practices. Socially, PDG’s solutions support community engagement and stakeholder involvement throughout the development process, potentially leading to more inclusive and transparent urban development projects. Discussions around responsible urban planning and ethical development underscore the importance of considering social impact in real estate projects. On the governance front, PDG’s commitment to ethical business practices, regulatory compliance, and transparent project management safeguards client trust and project integrity.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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