PCI Gases

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PCI manufactures ruggedized onsite liquid and gaseous oxygen and nitrogen generators for a variety of markets. PCI manufactures ruggedized onsite liquid and gaseous oxygen and nitrogen generators for a variety of markets; including Military, Medical, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Industrial, and Oil and Gas markets. We have built thousands of systems that are actively operating and being supported globally. Our products enable our customers to produce oxygen and nitrogen at the point of use, effectively eliminating the logistical supply chain associated with delivered product. Onsite generation saves time and money, allowing our customers to operate more efficiently and economically.

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At PCI we believe that our people are our strength. The way we look after our people, develop and encourage them is an important part of our culture. Our people principles are based on leadership, engagement, and collaboration. We continue to grow our services and along the way create new career opportunities for talented individuals like you. We have a group of experienced professionals in the areas of Engineering, Operations, Accounting/Finance, Human Resources, Sales, Marketing, and IT, plus much more. Our employees are knowledgeable about our products and services and contribute to the growth of our organization.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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