PCAM, LLC (Parking Company of America)

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While you travel by plane, Parking Company of America Management (PCA) will be glad to look after your car. PCA owns and manages parking facilities at more than 15 US airports, including several of the nation’s largest. The company manages another 200 parking lots and garages at hotels, medical facilities, shopping centers, and other facilities throughout the US. It also provides valet parking services. In addition, PCA offers fixed- and flexible route bus services and paratransit (transportation of people with disabilities). The company, which began operation in the 1960s with a single parking lot, is owned and run by members of the founding Chaves family.

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To partner with clients, provide quality customer focused service, and to add value to the lives of the people we serve through our core values; integrity, safety, sustainability, technology, leadership and community service. PCA strives to be an extension of the clients we serve and to provide innovative solutions and services that make a positive difference.At PCA we realize that the key to our success lies in the quality of our people. That is why we diligently search out the very best people available: People who possess a rock-solid work ethic; who understand the importance of placing the team over the individual; who are willing at all times to put their best foot forward; who will work toward the best interests of our patients, their family members and our valued customers; who share our values; and who are willing to work hard, and willing to be rewarded for their hard work. Our management is committed to making PCA a company people love to work for: A company that believes its corporate success is tied directly to the success of its employees.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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