Papa Gino’s

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This papa likes his pizza and subs. Papa Gino’s Holdings operates and franchises more than 350 pizza parlors and sub sandwich outlets throughout New England. The company’s flagship Papa Gino’s Pizzeria chain serves a variety of pizzas, sandwiches, and appetizers at more than 150 locations. Its 200 D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches locations specialize in sub-style and pocket-bread sandwiches. Papa Gino’s was started by Michael and Helen Valerio in 1961 as Piece O’ Pizza. (They changed the name in 1968.) The D’Angelo chain, started in 1967 by Brian McLaughlin, was acquired from Pizza Hut in 1997. The company is owned by a management team led by chairman Mark DeBlois and backed by Bunker Hill Capital.

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Our Mission. To out-food, out-service, and out-experience every other choice in our neighborhood. Core Values. Take great care of each other. We’re committed to provide the best quality food, most attentive service, and the cleanest, most welcoming restaurants. To building upon the legacy of the founders principles and values to provide high-quality products, attentive service, clean, convenient, attractive restaurants, and a premium value experience for every guest

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