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PACCAR is a global technology leader in the design, manufacture and customer support of high-quality light-, medium- and heavy-duty trucks under the Kenworth, Peterbilt and DAF nameplates. PACCAR also designs and manufactures advanced diesel engines, provides financial services and information technology, and distributes truck parts related to its principal business.

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PACCAR is a global technology leader in the design, manufacture and customer support of premium light-, medium- and heavy-duty trucks under the Kenworth, Peterbilt and DAF nameplates. PACCAR also designs and manufactures advanced powertrains, provides financial services and information technology, and distributes aftermarket parts related to its principal business. PACCAR conducts business to achieve above-average market returns for stockholders, reflect the highest ethical standards, fulfill our legal obligations, and meet our social responsibilities. We strive to gain the favorable regard of customers, shareholders, employees, regulatory authorities, and the general public through superior performance and effective communications. PACCAR’s ESG approach is focused on environmental leadership, social responsibility, ethical business conduct, and corporate governance practices that enhance shareholder value.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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