Orange Julius

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First established in 1926 as an orange juice stand in Los Angeles, Orange Julius® today has more than 135 Orange Julius stores and more than 265 combination Dairy Queen/Orange Julius locations in the U.S., plus additional locations in Canada and International markets. The Orange Julius of America franchise is a wholly-owned subsidiary of International Dairy Queen (IDQ). IDQ is one of the world’s largest distributors of frozen treats, hot food items and other drinks and treats with a system of more than 5,600 Dairy Queen stores in the United States, Canada and other foreign countries.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

Orange Julius emphasizes sustainable ingredient sourcing, with a focus on using locally and organically grown produce to reduce its carbon footprint and support local economies. The company has transitioned to eco-friendly and recyclable packaging materials, reducing single-use plastic waste and promoting responsible disposal. Orange Julius maintains strong corporate governance practices, including transparent financial reporting, ethical business standards, and a commitment to integrity in all operations.

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