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Olameter is a leading provider of outsourced utility asset management, network communications, and data services. With a staff of over 1,500 technical, administrative, and field service professionals, we serve over 350 clients across North America. Olameter provides communications and network monitoring needs for the electric, water, gas and telecommunication utilities, as well as energy retailers and energy management entities. Our specialty is generating cost savings and operational efficiencies for our clients by integrating services, technology, and personnel across multiple clients.

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It reduces waste, it motivates employees, and it reduces “headline risk’ for our clients. In particular, our clients need to know that, if an incident should arise, it is not owing to a lack of internal controls. Olameter applies a formal system of environmental oversight based on the ISO methodology. The ISO 14001 standard provides a framework that a company can follow to set up and monitor an environmental management system that is subject to continuous measurement and ongoing improvement. At Olameter, we rely on both internal audits and external certification to provide our clients with proof of the efficacy of this system. We want to leave things better than when we found them. Paying attention to the impact of our activities on the environment is not just good – it is also good business.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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Excellence In My Industry

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Best Practice Certified

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company has met the criteria of our excellence certification in best practices across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.

Best of Best Practices

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company is one of the top 20 companies in your industry that has met the criteria for our excellence certification in best practices across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.

Newsweek Excellence 1000

This badge tells your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders that your company is one of the Top 1000 companies that demonstrate excellence across all pillars of business – from financial responsibility and results, sustainability, social responsibility, employee experience, customer satisfaction, ethics, and more.