Ojos Locos

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Ojos Locos was founded in 2010 opening our first location in Dallas, TX. The concept was built to cater to the Latino bringing you a comfortable laid back sports cantina where you can sit back and relax after a hard day’s work, watch your favorite team play, party with friends, dine with family and enjoy outgoing and friendly service by one of our chicas coquetas y bonitas. ¿Qué es Ojos Locos? Ojos Locos means Crazy Eyes in inglés, when you step in, you’ll see state-of-the-art wall-to-wall HD TV’s broadcasting deportes all day. We’re not your typical Sports Cantina, we offer delicious made from scratch Mexican comida, ice cold 29º cerveza and crazy drinks to keep you coming back for more. We currently have 27 locations in 4 states across the country and growing rapidly.

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Our chicas put the FUN in FIESTA bringing the Ojos Locos experience to life. Their COQUETANESS offers a fun and playful atmosphere to our guests. Chicas enjoy flexible scheduling, MUCHO DINERO, modeling and travel opportunities.

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