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While traditional elements of Southern Hospitality include generous food portions and friendly customer service, we believe what our founder Charley Watkins believed so many years ago, in 1971, when he opened our first restaurant: Southern Hospitality is also about connecting with one another. Today, O’Charley’s has over 200 locations in 17 states. We attribute our success to helping foster those close connections while offering guests delicious, fresh dishes served in a comfortable and welcoming environment. It is this unique service philosophy, steeped in a richly cultured past, that continues to set us apart in the present and makes us a great franchise opportunity for the future Mission: Our driving force is a strong “Passion to Serve.” It permeates everything we do at all of our restaurants.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

O’Charley’s regularly communicates its ESG efforts to stakeholders through sustainability reports and disclosures. They engage with investors, customers, and the public to ensure transparency and accountability in their sustainability initiatives. The company invests in innovative technologies to improve operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact. This includes digital menus and ordering systems to minimize paper waste and energy-efficient kitchen equipment. O’Charley’s is committed to responsible sourcing of ingredients. They work with suppliers who adhere to sustainable farming and fishing practices, promoting responsible land use and marine conservation. The company recognizes the importance of addressing climate change. They have set targets to reduce carbon emissions and have explored renewable energy sources and energy-efficient practices in their operations. O’Charley’s has taken steps to reduce its environmental footprint.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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