NTH Consultants, Ltd.

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Founded in 1968, NTH Consultants, Ltd. is a full-service geotechnical, environmental, and facilities engineering firm based in Michigan. Since its inception in 1968 as a geotechnical engineering venture, NTH Consultants, Ltd. has evolved into a full-service infrastructure and environmental engineering firm, well known and respected for providing innovative solutions for tough engineering challenges in the built and natural environment. NTH has grown to a firm of more than 120 employees, serving a diverse client base from five offices throughout Michigan and Ohio. The firm provides a wide range of professional services including underground engineering, geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, and construction engineering services, site assessment and remediation, hazardous materials assessment and abatement, industrial hygiene, facility decommissioning, regulatory compliance, ISO 14001 implementation, waste management, watershed management, air quality, and landfill engineering. Our Infrastructure services include facility condition assessments and restoration design in steel, concrete, masonry, pavement and roofing systems, waterproofing design, and infrastructure / facility asset preservation

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NTH Consultants, Ltd. (NTH) has been providing professional engineering consulting services to the energy, community development, industry, transportation and water markets since 1968. From a small, Detroit-based, geotechnical engineering firm, our company has grown into to a nationally recognized, full service engineering consulting firm, providing a wide range of services in civil design, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, and facilities engineering. We trust that investment water and waste water infrastructure will continue to grow; however large gaps will always exist between the infrastructure needs and the available funds, both on the national, state, and local levels. Capital needs for drinking water infrastructure and wastewater infrastructure systems continue to far exceed available funding. NTH is committed to improving the quality of life in the regions we serve by providing efficient, economical, and sustainable solutions to our water, and wastewater infrastructure clients. We help our clients extend the service life of their existing infrastructure through our intense focus on asset management: inspection, condition assessment, and rehabilitation of water and wastewater infrastructure.

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